COVID -19 Pandemic



The virus is responsible for affecting the respiratory system both upper (nose, sinuses and pharynx) and lower (trachea, bronchus and bronchioles) respiratory system.

The first outbreak was observed in Wuhan, China in early December 2019.

After the outbreak WHO recognized it as SARS-COV-2; a type of corona virus.

The spread of virus is common from person to person.

Disease range is seen from mild to moderate to severe.

Strains- Researchers have identified 2 strains L and S.  L strain was most common in early stage of outbreak.

Risk Factors:


People with mild to moderate disease tends to recover at home without the need of hospitalization. The common symptoms:

·         Fever (99%)

·         Generalized weakness (70%)

·         Dry cough (59%)

Along with this person may develop symptoms like:

·         Loss of taste

·         Loss of smell

·         Body ache

·         Sore throat

·         Diarrhea

·         Nausea

·         New confusion

Severe Symptoms include:

·         Breathlessness

·        Chest pain or pressure

Virus is responsible for development of pneumonia, respiratory failure, septic shock and death.

Diagnostic Testing of COVID 19:

Detection of the Antigen of the virus is helpful. RT-PCR test identifies the protein of the virus.

For the detection swab is introduced in the nostril or the back of the mouth, and the sample is collected.

This sample is then tested in the laboratory, for the detection of the virus. Rapid test is also introduced, which gives result in few minutes, but there are chances of false negative.

Antibody testing (IgG), the test for knowing whether the individual has been infected previously. The immunoglobulin (IgG), has role to controls the infection. But as the virus is new it is difficult to predict, how one will get re-infected.  Yet, none of these tests are 100% accurate.


For mild cases: Patient can be recovered at home with adequate care and monitoring.

·         Should take proper rest.

·         Intake of fluid should be maximized.

·         Avoid going in crowded places. Better to stay isolated for at least 14 days, so that spread of the virus can be decreased.

·         Constant monitoring of oxygen level through pulse oximeter.

If, symptoms gets worse better to consult the physician immediately.

In case, if the patient needs to be hospitalized, the management guideline should be followed.

·         Oxygen therapy is required.

·         Recently, FDA has approved the benefits of Favilavir, Antiviral for mild to moderate cases.

·         Hydroxychloroquine (200mg x 2 day or 3 day); drug used in malaria, amebiasis and for other autoimmune, is being advised by the Chinese National Guideline. But, there are lack of clear evidence, in the COVID-19 infection.

·         Antibiotic: For community- acquired pneumonia (CAP), third generation cephalosporin, clarithromycin or azithromycin or alternatively fluoroquinolones can be administrated, with attention.

·         Tocilizumab, monoclonal antibody, is used in severe cases. In afebrile patient the drug can be administrated for >72 hours and/or at least 7 days. In case, IL-6 is high, PLT <50,000 cell/mmc, neutrophils <500 cells/mmc, sepsis, co-morbidities and worsening of the gas exchange; tocilizumab should be put on hold.

·         Remdesivir(GS-5734): Broad spectrum antiviral nucleotide, its action is premature termination of viral RNA- transcription. Remdesivir - 200 mg on day 1 then 100 mg/day for another 9 days in combination with chloroquine 500 mg, 1 × 2/day or hydroxychloroquine 200 mg, 1 × 2/day. If the patient develops a BCRSS score 3 or MEWS ≥ 3, evaluate dexamethasone and/or tocilizumab.

·         Methylprednisolone (20mg x 2/day) should be administrated in case of:

Ø  Severe Hyoxia, i.e., Sp02<93%

Ø  Respiratory rate >30/min

Ø  P/F ratio <= 300mmHg

Ø  HRCT Thorax – s/o severe extensive, bilateral interstitial involvement with fibrotic changes.

·         Sodic Enoxaparin:

Ø  Low-intensity care COVID-19 wards: 100 U/Kg/day; 70 U/Kg × 2/day for obese patient (BMI > 30) or at particularly high thrombotic risk.

Ø  Intermediate/high-intensity care COVID-19 departments: 70 U/Kg × 2/day.



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