Treat anemia with alternative therapy

 Homeopathic treatment to overcome anemia

Homeopathy is the alternative line of therapy which boost the bone marrow to increase the production of the blood cells. 

Homeopathy works on the principle of like cured by like (Similia similibus curantur); considering the medicine should be covering symptoms totality. Here are the list of medicine which will help to overcome anemia.

1. China officinalis:

- Loss of vital fluid.

- Profuse exhausting discharges/hemorrhage.

- Tinnitus (ringing in ears/buzzing in ears).

- Periodicity of all complaints.

- Great debility.

- Sensitive to touch.

- Pain aggravates from slightest touch; ameliorates from hard pressure.

- Fullness and flatulence- distended abdomen. Everything eaten turns into gas.

- Great desire for sweets, sour, pungent refreshing things, stimulants, highly seasoned food, salt. Aversion: fat and fruits.

- Modalities: Aggravation from vital loss, touch, jar, noise, periodically alternate days, cold, draft of open air, fruits, milk, mental exertion. Amelioration from hard pressure, loose clothes.

2. Ferrum Metallicum :

- For young, anemic, pseudo-plethoric person; who though looking strong but is so weak that intend to lie down.

- Pallor skin and mucous membrane alternating with flushes.

- Anemia of young person with flushed cheeks but pale lips, delicate girls, constipated with low spirits.

- Affects the circulation, producing irregular distribution of blood, congestion, irregular surging.

- Nose: Bleeding in anemic patient alternating with hemoptysis.

- Sensation of lump in throat worse on swallowing.

- Breathing difficulty due to surging of blood to chest and anemic murmur can be heard. 

- Modalities: Aggravation in night, anger, eating, loss of vital fluids, sudden motion. Amelioration from gentle motion, leaning head on something.

3. Sepia:

- Weak person with yellow earthy complexion shallow skin, yellowishness of conjunctiva, yellow spots on chest with yellow saddle across the nose.

- Complaints with sudden prostration and sinking faintness. Aggravation in morning and evening. Amelioration in afternoon.

- Washer women's remedy.

- Emptiness; all gone sensation.

- Short walk fatigues, but violent exertion relieves. 

4. Phosphorous:

- Tall, slender person, narrow chested with fine features and long fingers of sanguine temperament.

- Nervous, weak, delicate person who likes to get magnetized, weaken by loss of animal fluids. 

- Hemorrhage- recurrent, vicarious, small wounds; bleed much, blood streaked discharges, profuse, water bright red blood which is non-coagulable.

- Insidious onset, gradually increasing debility, ending in sever or rapid disease.

- Great weakness and prostration with nervous debility and trembling of whole body.

- Bad effects of eating too much of salt.

- Aversion to sweets, warm food, meat and tea.

- Burning all over in spots.

5. Lecithin:

- It s indicated in anemic and convalescence, neurasthenia and insomnia.

- Increasing red blood cell count and hemoglobin level.

- Forgetful, dull and confused person.

- Soreness and aching in extremities. Tired and weak. Lack of energy.

- Pulsating occipital headache. Ringing in ears. 

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