Hyperthyroidism: Overview, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Management



Thyroid gland is butterfly shaped structure found in the lower front part of neck. This gland secrets triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) hormones; and are responsible for regulating normal metabolic process of body.

Excess amount of secretion of these hormones, leads to hyperthyroidism. It can be overt or subclinical. Overt hypothyroidism has low amount of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and high amount of T3 and T4. In subclinical hyperthyroidism; findings shows low amount of TSH with normal range of T3 and T4.

Condition is usually found in female compared to male, and is more prevalent in people who resides in iodine deficient area.


Grave's disease

It is auto immune disease. Body produces antibodies against it's own cells and triggers thyroid gland cells for hypersecretion of hormones.
Increase unnecessary amount of T3 and T4 leads to thyrotoxicosis.

Thyroid nodules

Thyroid adenoma, toxic multinodular goitre or Plummer's disease. One or more adenoma start to secret hormones more than required. Benign lumps are formed causing enlargement of gland.


In cases of swollen gland, more amount of iodine is stored and eventually it will leak in the blood stream. It is usually seen post pregnancy and is temporary condition.

Iodine intake

Excess amount of iodine intake can also trigger cells of thyroid gland to secret more hormone.

Drug induced

Patient who are on medication like; lithium, interferon alpha or amiodarone shows symptoms of thyroid dysfunction.

Signs and Symptoms

Hyperthyroidism is totally opposite to that of hypothyroidism. The metabolic process also becomes more active. As a result weight loss is the most common sign.
Some common symptoms are:
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Palpitation
  • Fatigue
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Intolerance to heat
  • Sweating
  • Increased appetite





Weight loss though eating well

Heat intolerance

Excessive sweating

Weight loss

Nervous System

Tremor, nervousness

Anxiety, fatigue

Weakness, sleep disturbance

Poor concentration

Tremor of extremities



Circulatory System



Respiratory System



Digestive System




Globus sensation

Abdominal tenderness



Excessive sweating

Warm and moist skin

Reproductive System


Menstrual disturbance

Ocular (Eye)

Diplopia, irritation, eyelid swelling, retro orbital pain

Proptosis, eyelid retraction


Your doctor will ask regarding any medical history. 
With the aid of physical examination probable diagnosis is done.
  • Weight loss
  • Tachypnea
  • Hypertension
  • Protruding eyes
  • Enlarged thyroid gland

Blood tests

Cholesterol level; it is at lower limit due to increase in metabolic rate.
Free T3 and T4; elevated in case of overt hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid scan

radioactive iodine is injected through vein. With aid of special cameras the amount of iodine absorbed by thyroid gland is measured and presence of any nodules are observed.

Radioactive uptake test

Oral intake of radioactive iodine is suggested. Your doctor will check you after 4, 6 or 24 hours to see amount of iodine absorbed by your gland.

Ultrasound sonography

Sound waves are used to scan your thyroid gland, it size is measured and masses are scanned, if any.

CT scan and MRI 

For detection of pituitary gland, which may be responsible for thyroid dysfunction.


Heart failure

Most serious condition likely to occur when heart is involved. Irregular heart beat gradually turns into atrial fibrillation and thus, risk of stroke and cardiac failure rises.


Due to enlargement of thyroid gland causes tension on parathyroid gland, which is responsible for calcium regulation and monitoring. Damage to parathyroid gland leads to calcium disturbance and results in to osteoporosis.

Ocular affection

Grave's disease causes bulging of eyes, increase sensitivity to lights, blurring or double vision. Untreated condition may end up to vision loss.


Crisis takes place when there is sudden surge in thyroid hormone level. Symptoms like fever, rapid pulse and delirium are observed.

Treat hyperthyroidism with Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies work on the constitution of a patient. It stimulates body function to maintain the level of hormones. 
As it works on the principle of 'similia', it allows the body to act and heal itself without any major side effects.

1. Natrum Mur

  • This remedy is classic for grave's disease and goitre.
  • indicated when patient is suffering from great emaciation. Losing flesh while living well; especially of throat and neck.
  • Weakness and weariness are marked in this remedy especially in the morning.
  • Trembling of whole body and pulsation even during rest. Aggravation on slightest motion.
  • Double vision. Asthenopia.
  • Desire to have salt, sour, lemon, bitter, beer, chocolate and milk.
  • Fluttering of heart.
  • Eczema- raw red and inflamed.
  • Irritable, weeps easily.
  • Consolation aggravates the complaints.
  • Sadness before menses. 

2. Lachesis

  • Great intolerance to heat. Emaciated female, during and after climacteric with choleric temperament.
  • Suffocative, constructive feeling, must take deep breaths. Amelioration by bending forwards. Cannot tolerate tight belt around waist and neck.
  • Violent palpitation with sense of oppression, must sit up. Cardiac asthenia. Wants to be fanned slowly from distance.
  • Menses- very less flow, duration is short.
  • Skin- hot, sticky, perspiration with garlicky odor.
  • Swallowing liquid is more difficult than solid.
  • Great loquacity, talking, singing and whistling constantly.
  • All complaints aggravates after sleep. Amelioration after onset of menstrual flow. 

3. Phosphorus 

  • Indicated for young person who grow rapidly and are inclined to stoop.
  • For tall and slender person. Emptiness in chest and stomach.
  • Great burning all over the body.
  • Oversensitive to all external impression like light, touch and odor.
  • Destruction of bones and caries of bones, spine, upper jaw.
  • Dandruff, hair falls out in clouds.
  • Craving for cold food and drinks, Juicy refreshing things, ice-cream which gives relief in gastric pain.
  • Vomiting, water is thrown out as soon as it becomes warm in stomach.
  • Very fetid stool and flatus.
  • Menses- prolonged or vicarious with epistaxis.

4. Conium

  • It acts on glandular system. Induration of glands after injury. Atrophy of glands.
  • Formication of glands, flushes of heat with perspiration.
  • Pulse- frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable and rapid after stool.
  • Swelling of gland- cold, hard, inflammatory and painful.
  • Vision- dazzling, dim, striped and weak.
  • External throat- irritation of throat. Constant disposition to swallow while walking in wind.
  • Menses- absent (amenorrhea); too late, scanty and suppressed.
  • For great debility, hypochondriasis, weakened memory, sexual debility found in old people.

Treatment with Modern medicine

Anti-thyroid medicine

Methimazole- prevents the stimulation of thyroid cells and thus decrease the secretion of hormone. The main side effect of this drug- it causes liver damage which can be life threatening condition, if not taken care properly.

Radioactive iodine 

Radioactive iodine is taken orally which is absorbed by the gland, and gradually cells shrinks or it destroys the cells completely. 
Common side effects of this drug- dry mouth, dry eyes, dry throat, change in taste.

Beta blockers

Beta blockers drugs like atenolol, propranolol are suggested for high blood pressure. It does not decrease the secretion of hormones; rather it manage the symptoms like rapid pulse, sweating and anxiety.


Thyroidectomy- removal of thyroid gland. It is the last option in case of  pregnancy or none of the above treatment worked.
Patient suffer from hypothyroidism post surgery and thus may require levothyroxine life long. 
Complication of surgery includes hypothyroidism, damage to vocal cords and parathyroid glands.

Grave's ophthalmopathy

To manage mild ocular symptoms; artificial tears, lubricating gel are suggested. Patient should avoid wind and bright light.
Rituximab and teprotumumab may be helpful, but no such proven evidence of it's effectiveness is found
In some cases surgery may be required; orbital decompression surgery or eye muscle surgery.


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