Enlargement and engorgement of anal and rectal veins are hemorrhoids or piles. It can be internal or external piles.
Internal piles are classified as:
- 1st degree: Bleeding in stool without prolapse
- 2nd degree: Prolapse present but reduces on its own
- 3rd degree: Prolapse while straining and has to push back manually
- 4th degree: Irreducible prolapse
Exact cause is unknown but few possibilities are described below.
- Chronic constipation; it increases intra abdominal pressure
- Obese
- Pregnancy: It may be temporary and usually resolves after birth
- Straining during toilet
- Sitting on toilet for long hours
- Family history
- Decrease intake of fibers
- Consumption of alcohol or spicy food
- Anal intercourse
- Heavy lifting
- Age: 45 to 65 years
Internal hemorrhoids
- No pain; as it is has few pain sensation nerves
- Bleeding in stool
- When the piles are prolapsed in anal region then you may feel pain
- Prolapsed piles reduce back into the rectum on its own or when pushed
External hemorrhoids
- Painful as it is present around anus and is pain sensitive area
- Itching and irritation
- Anal swelling
- Bleeding is common
- Incomplete evacuation
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
- Clot is formed in external piles resulting in unbearable pain
- Blue and purple discoloration
- Itching
- Bleeding
- Hard lump
- Digital rectal examination: Your doctor will insert lubricated and gloved finger into rectum to check the prolapse or swelling if any.
- Anoscopy: To examine anal canal
- Sigmoidoscopy: For examining lower colon
- Colonoscopy: To examine the entire colon
Treatment with homeopathy
1. Aesculus - For thrombosed piles
- For non bleeding piles.
- Discolouration of piles into purple color.
- Pain in lumbar region, small of back and fullness in liver region.
- Acts well after Nux Vomica and Sulphur.
2. Collinsonia- For piles during pregnancy
- Indicated for pregnant women having marked itching (pruritus) and constipation.
- If the bleeding is profuse, mother tincture is indicated.
- Hemorrhoids alternates with cerebral and cardiac troubles.
- Chronic, painful and bleeding piles. Pelvic organ congestion and catarrh of bladder; aggravates at night and ameliorates in morning.
3. Hamamelis
- Highly indicated when there is great prostration due to profuse bleeding.
- Burning and soreness at anus.
- Appearance of anus is red erythematous halo. Pulsation in rectum.
4. Aloe
- Protruded piles like bunch of grapes. Bleeding piles amelioration by cold application.
- Insecurity of rectum. Frequent diarrhoea.
- Itching present over rectum and sensation as if paralyzed.
- Jelly like lumps, mucus in stool.
5. Nux Vomica
- For blind piles. Burning and itching at anus. Ineffectual urging for stool.
- Hematuria due to suppressed hemorrhoids.
- Pain in the small of back must sit up.
- Aggravation from highly spicy seasoned food, abuse of medication, alcohol or insufficient sleep.
6. Sulphur
- Indicated for painless and bleeding piles.
- Lancinating pain after stool.
- Digestion is weak and dysuria. Uneasiness and fullness in liver.
Treatment with modern medicine
- Over the counter creams and ointments are available to give temporary relief from the pain.
- Surgical treatment; for prompt relief. Minimal invasive therapy like; rubber band ligation, coagulation (infrared, laser or bipolar). Major surgeries are hemorrhoidectomy and hemorrhoid stapling are performed.
Home remedies
Some easy ways to get relief are; eat high fiber food, sitz bath for 20 minutes, ice pack, by avoiding straining and have lots and lots of fluid.
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