Immune System

Your immunity is responsible for your health and disease condition of the body.

Immune system fight against the pathogens/ foreign body whenever it enters in to the system. It protects by removing the toxic or allergic substance.

Parts of immune system:

1. Skin: It is the outermost protective covering of body.

2. Mucous Membrane: Lining of the body cavity, i.e. like digestive system, respiratory system and reproductive tract. As it produce mucus, the microbes cannot pass through passage easily.

3. W.B.C: The count increases when there is infection in the body.

4. Lymphatic system: It includes thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph vessels, and bone marrow.


  • Innate Immunity:

Develops naturally. 
It is the first line of defense mechanism. 
Skin, mucous membrane, cilia, gastric acid, tear, and sweat gland are part of the innate immunity.

  • Acquired Immunity:

1. Active Immunity:

It is again divided into 2 parts:

Natural: When you are affected with the antigen, the system tends to produce antibodies against that particular antigen. So when the body comes in contact with the same previous antigen, the body is capable to fight the disease, thus it will get protected.

Artificial: Through different vaccine, different antigen ( which are not active) are being introduced, so that, the body produces antibodies prior to the serious infection.

Active immunity is long-lasting, in some case it is for life long, i.e. chicken pox, polio as these virus does not changes it's genome easily.

2. Passive Immunity:

When readymade antibodies are obtained directly, is passive immunity.

It is again divided in to 2 types:

Natural: Fetus gets antibodies from the mother. 

Artificial: When antibodies are injected directly.

Passive immunity is not long lasting.

Defect in the immune system leads to allergic reaction, asthma, and autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid arthritis, HIV, leukemia, multiple myeloma are few of the immuno suppresent dieseases.

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