Case 1 (Case of acid reflux)

 Hyper acidity

What is acid reflux?

  • Acid which is produced by stomach may make its way to your food pipe causing symptoms like heart burn, chest discomfort and regurgitation of food.


  • Eating large portion of meal at a time
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise
  • Mental stress and anxiety
  • Eating high amount of garlic, onions, chocolates, lemon/citrus food, spicy food, or fatty food
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption

How is this diagnosed?

  • Heart burn and chest discomfort are the main key point to diagnose
  • Barium swallow done in long term cases
  • Endoscopy, it is not done on regular basis for acute cases

Case Presentation

A 24 years old female unmarried patient at OPD basis came with the complaint of severe unbearable acid reflux since 5 hours and no relief with antacid medication.

Associated complain

  • None

Past history

  • History of acid reflux off and on.
  • Girl had past history of poly cystic ovarian disease and was on homeopathic treatment for the same from 2015 to 2016. After treatment she was having regular periods.
  • H/O headache at the end of every weak

Gynecology history

  • Menstrual history: Cycle regular 
  • Clots: No clots
  • Quantity: Adequate
  • Duration: 3 to 4 days

Obstetric history 

  • G0P0A0L0

Family history

  • Father: Known case of syndrome X
  • Mother: Known case of GERD, borderline diabetes
  • Paternal grandmother: History of early menopause and known case of hypertension 
  • Maternal grandmother: Known case of breast cancer and hypertension 

Personal history

  • Desire: Desire for chocolates, ice-cream and fast food
  • Aversion: Not specific 
  • Craving: Sweets
  • Diet: Vegetarian
  • Thirst: 5-6 glasses/day
  • Appetite: Regular
  • Stool: Once a day
  • Sleep: Deep sleep
  • Dreams: Dreams of regular day
  • Tongue: No coating
  • Urine: 3-4 times/day


  • Cries easily when scolded
  • Headache due to physical and mental exertion
  • Dedicated to work
  • Cries when narrating complaints


  • Nixocid 2 tablets every 1 hour


  • Patient got relief within 2 hours and was happy with the result

Why did I prescribe Nixocid?

  • The case is acute. The girl was suffering from hyper acidity making unable to focus on routine work and needed an instant relief.
  • Nixocid is and combination of Nat Phos 3x, Carbo Veg 3x, Robinia pseudocasia 3x and Lyco 3x.
  • Here, I prescribed according to the requirement of the patient. 
  • It is not so that once I prescribed Nixocid as a permanent solution. The similimum should be find out with proper repertorization according to rules of Dr Hahnemann so that recurrent acid reflux can be prevented.


  • To prevent recurrence you should not have large portion of meal at a time.
  • Avoid junk food.
  • Have small portion of food at frequent interval.
  • Meditation to reduce mental anxiety and stress.
  • Avoid causative factors whenever you can like, avoid fatty or spicy food.


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