Ouch! That hurts. Is it appendicitis?
Inflammation of appendix is called appendicitis. Appendix is a small hollow organ at the tip of cecum in the right side of abdomen.
Exact etiology has not been known yet. Following are considered as main causes:
- 5 years to 45 years of age group people has chances of getting appendicitis
- It can be due to blocked appendix, i.e. obstruction due to stone, tumor or stool
- Injury
- Intestinal worms
- Infection
What happens when your appendix is blocked?
Sequence after blockage is followed as below:
- When you appendix gets blocked, the bacteria which are present starts to grow up in full fledg.
- To overcome that lining of appendix gets inflamed.
- This swelling will gradually make a hole in appendix, i.e. perforated appendix.
- The hole will leak the content in the abdominal cavity making infected and abscess formation takes place.
- Untreated case will make patient condition worse and he/she will go into septic shock leading to death.
Most common symptoms are as follow:
- Severe unbearable pain on the right side of abdomen
- Pain starts around belly button and shifts to lower abdomen
- Decreased appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Weakness
- Bloated abdomen
- Pain while walking or coughing (rare)
First your perform physical examination for probable diagnosis.
Physical examination
- Your doctor will apply firm pressure at the site of pain; when he releases pain you may feel aggravation of pain at the same side, it is a rebound tenderness.
Blood test
- Complete blood count: In report WBC count is raised due to infection.
Urine Analysis
- Urine analysis is one of the important tests, which helps to rule out other condition like urinary tract infection or renal stone.
Ultra sonography Abdomen
- USG is first line of diagnostic test when it comes to appendicitis.
CT Scan Abdomen
- CT scan is useful for confirmatory diagnoses
MRI Abdomen
- It is more accurate compared to CT scan.
- Ruptured appendix
- Abscess formation
Homeopathic treatment for appendicitis
Homeopathy gives best result in appendicitis when the condition is not advanced to surgical treatment. It helps to prevent the surgery by decreasing the course of advance pathology. Strictly follow the advice of your physician and surgeon.
1. Arsenic Alb
- When pathology advances from simple inflammation to septic condition Arsenic Alb is indicated.
- After surgery giving Arsenic benefits patients as it reduce chances of sepsis.
2. Belladonna
- Belladonna is indicated in early stage, when inflammation has just set up without any suppuration.
- Severe pain at ileo-cecal region.
3. Brayonia
- Brayonia is mainly indicated for serous inflammation in general.
- The pain of Brayonia patient is throbbing, stitching and sharp.
4. Rhus Tox
- Indicated when pain is unbearable making person restless.
- Pain around colon is marked.
- Aggravation from col, wet rainy weather, and during rest. Relief from motion, walking, and warm application.
5. Lachesis
- Indicated when appendicitis leading to sensitive abdomen.
- Everything around waist is not bearable.
- Aggravation after sleep. Better after appearance of discharge.
Treatment with Modern Medicine
- The best way is to get rid of appendix by surgical treatment, i.e. appendicectomy. As it is vestigial organ there is no harm in removing.
- Abscess drainage- if there has been perforation
- Your doctor will give you antibiotics to reduce infection.
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