Influenza (flu): Symptoms, Treatment and Complications

Influenza (flu)


Influenza is viral disease affecting respiratory tract both upper and lower. 
Transmission is mainly through droplets, while speaking, sneezing or coughing. By touching objects which have been exposed to the virus.
Transmission from infected person is active. After the symptoms have been resolved, patient can transmit for next 5 to 7 days.
Generally it is self-limiting condition, i.e. flu can resolve within one week.
But for some group of people it may get complicated causing pneumonia or even death; if not taken into consideration. 
Influenza has varieties of strains, some affects humans while some affects animals.

Who are more likely to have serious symptoms?

There are few group of people for whom extra care is necessary. These groups are considered as high risk group.
  • 6 months of infants and children up to 5 years of age
  • Elderly group above 55 years of age
  • Who have weak immunity or immunocompromised patients
  • Pregnant women
  • Underlying condition such as; asthma, kidney disease, liver disease or diabetes mellitus
  • Obese person whose BMI is more than 40


Influenza virus has 4 different types of strains; A,B,C and D. Subtypes of type A is according to hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) protein combination. Most common combinations are H1N1 and H3N2. Type B is classified as lineage and strain. These both types mainly affects human being.
When the antigenic characters of viruses gets changed, then animal infecting virus has capability to infect humans also.
Avian influenza and bird flu infections are commonly seen in birds. These are caused by different strains of type A virus.
In 2009, pandemic influenza is said to be started in South America and the virus origin was animal origin influenza. 

What happens when you are infected with influenza virus?

The main course of disease is observed in upper respiratory tract. Viruses causes inflammation of tract and the course of disease lasts for 5 to 7 days. 
People with high risk group are likely to have complications, affecting lungs.
Protein H of virus is responsible for progression of the disease, and protein N spreads the virions.

Signs and symptoms

Some common signs and symptoms are; 
  • Fever with or without chills
  • Muscular pain
  • Headache
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Water and painful eyes
  • Fatigue
  • In children-vomiting and diarrhea are common

When you should consult a doctor?

If you are suffering from any of the below symptoms, then immediately without delay go to your doctor.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Severe vomiting
  • Seizures
  • In children- shortness of breath, blue lips, chest pain and/or dehydration

How to differentiate influenza and COVID-19?

Many symptoms are overlapped; as basically both affects the respiratory tract. If one is infected from SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) following symptoms are observed:
  • Great tiredness and weakness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fever may hike up to 104 F
  • Cough
  • Sneezing is uncommon, where as in influenza it is common.
  • If you measure your oxygen saturation, you may observe fall in percentage and you may not observe any physical changes. This is called as "Happy Hypoxia".


Influenza can be diagnosed clinically without the need of any laboratory tests. To find out the strain or type of viruses during epidemic RT-PCR (Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test) is recommended. 
Rapid antigen test helps to give result in no time. But this is not reliable as RT-PCR.


  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthmatic attack
  • Heart disease
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Homeopathic treatment for influenza

Homeopathy provides curative line of treatment. It has highly efficacy to give results as fast as any other treatment. On top of it, if you are suffering from recurrent flu then I personally suggest to go for homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy not only reduce the viral load; along with that it will boost your immune system to fight against the condition. Here are few list of drugs which are very well indicated in flu.

1. Allium Cepa

  • Catarrh, smarting of eyes, violent sneezing.
  • Profuse bland lachrymation with profuse acrid coryza, excoriating upper lip. Aggravation in warm room.
  • Constant inclination to hack, instantly when rising from bed in morning a violent sneezing fit.
  • Chest laden with mucus; stiches with burning in middle left side of chest.
  • Dull frontal headache; intense pain in occiput and cervical spine; dullness of eyes with aversion of light.

2. Arsenic

  • Indicated for sudden catarrh threatening. Suffocation at night.
  • Influenza in kids with onset and far prostration; child looks as if had been sick since many days.
  • Violent sneezing with blood tinged discharge. Profuse watery discharge from nose, corroding nostril and making upper lip sore.
  • Aggravation at night and after a meal.
  • Great debility, spasmodic cough with desire to vomit or with vomiting.
  • Photophobia, inflamed eye with ulcers on cornea.

3. Brayonia 

  • Cerebral pain consistently on hacking, on stooping as every one of the substance would issue through brow. Aversion to light; particularly sunlight. Frequent sneezing often between cough.
  • Fluent coryza watery or greenish; mouth and lips are dry with thirst.
  • Dry hacking cough aggravation from smoking or talking, when coming from open air into warm room.
  • Constriction in chest, rheumatic pain in extremities.
  • High fever with body pain, gets relief by rest.

4. Eupatorium perf

  • Flowing coryza, sneezing, hoarseness with roughness of voice.
  • Hacking cough in evening with soreness in chest, restlessness, pains and aching in limbs.
  • Constant change of position though pain is not relieved.
  • Coryza with thirst and drinking causes vomiting.

5. Gelsemium

  • This remedy indicate when patient is feeble, lethargic and severe pain and aches all over the body.
  • It speedily removes the intense aching and muscular soreness. 
  • Patient feels cold all the time. As compared to Aconite fever is not acute. 
  • Cough is hard and painful.
  • There is paroxysms of sneezing with expectorating discharges and great apathy.

Modern medicine treatment for influenza

As influenza is self-limiting; generally for mild to moderate symptoms no medicine is indicated.
In case of severe condition, antiviral medications are given such as:
  • Oseltamivir
  • Zanamivir
  • Peramivir
  • Baloxavir
There is no role of antibiotics as such in influenza unless and until infection has been progressed to advance stage.
At home care and management for minor case helps to resolve the symptoms within a week.
  • Have plenty of water
  • Take enough rest
  • In case of pain you can take over the counter painkillers like; acetaminophen or ibuprofen


For infected patients;
  • Avoid stepping out from the house unnecessary 
  • Avoid meeting people
  • Wear mask while going out
  • In case of worsening of presenting symptoms consult the doctor
This will help to prevent the spread of the disease.
For healthy people;
  • Support who needs rest
  • Avoid hand shake with infected person
  • Avoid being in close chamber with infected patient for long time
  • Wear mask while meeting the patient


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